What Does the Recovery Process Look Like Following a Total Joint Replacement?

Recovery from a total joint replacement, such as a hip or knee replacement, should involve physical therapy to help you regain range of motion, strength, and function. Key aspects of your recovery at The Total Joint will include the following:

  • Patient Education: In the beginning, you will be educated about any restrictions or precautions related to your specific joint replacement. You will also be provided with a customized home exercise program to enhance rehabilitation throughout your PT plan of care, as well as to continue on your own after treatment is complete.
  • Pain Management: We may use various modalities such as ice, heat, or electrical stimulation to manage pain and reduce swelling. Hands-on techniques will be used to mobilize soft tissues and joints to alleviate pain and improve joint mechanics.
  • Early Mobility and Range of Motion Exercises: Physical therapy typically begins shortly after surgery, often on the same day or the day after. Early exercises focus on gentle movements to improve joint mobility and prevent stiffness. As you progress, our therapists will continue to guide you through exercises to improve the range of motion in the replaced joint.
  • Gait Training: Learning to walk with an assistive device (e.g., walker or cane) initially and progressing to independent walking is a key component. Gait analysis will be performed to normalize your walking pattern and ensure optimal function.
  • Strength Training: Gradual introduction of strength training exercises to rebuild the muscles around the joint is crucial for stability and function. As tolerated, weight-bearing exercises are incorporated to enhance strength, endurance, and balance.
  • Balance and Coordination Exercises: We will incorporate interventions that focus on improving balance and proprioception to reduce the risk of falls. Exercises to enhance coordination and control of movements will be included to help you move optimally in your daily environment.
  • Functional Activities: In the early phases, we will incorporate exercises that mimic daily tasks like dressing, bathing, and getting in and out of bed to promote independence. As you progress, we will customize your plan to enhance your ability to get back to the activities that are important to your lifestyle, from daily movements to exercise to recreational activities.

At The Total Joint, your plan will be customized to your specific needs and goals. Recovery is never “one size fits all,” and we understand that you have a personal lifestyle, goals, and needs. We will tailor your program to your needs based on an ongoing conversation where you play an active role in your plan.

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